Monday 1 January 2018

When taken this Reishi Ganoderma herb, the following process is undertaken in our body.

(1 to 30 days) During this process, the body cells are checked for Toxins and inacitivity.  Most of these kinds of defects at the cell level are reported by way of REFLECTIONS through the external organs like eyes, nose, ear etc.  This is just a diagnostic phase which normally within 6 weeks of starting this Ganotherapy.  This reflections can be seen for about 5 to 7 days.

(1 to 30 weeks) During this phase, the unwanted/harmful matters (called the toxins are removed from the body.  The body using its own natural excretory mechanism, which is activated by Ganoderma, carrying out this process.  This phase takes place for about 5 to 12 days, depending on the level and quality of toxins.   During this process of detoxification, water soluble toxins (eg. sugar, uric acid) find their exit through urine and sweat.  Insoluble toxins (eg cholesterol) are easily disposed off through phlegm.

(1 to 12 months) The bio-chemical as well as bio-electric factors of the body are balanced and the organ functions are regulated to normal levels.

 (6 to 24 months) In this phase, the damaged cells are repaired and reconstructed.  Inactive cells are activated.  Body's natural immune system is activated.

 (1 to 3 years) This is the ultimate aim of consuming this herb. It is a continuous process through-out life and during the process, body gains youthfulness.  Oxidation of the cells prevented and ageing of the cells delayed.  The natural immune system is activated at cell levels.

While taking this herb, it scans our body.  If any problem is found, reaction will occur. Reactions will be a temporary one.  If reactions occur, it means this herb is started working and starting to remove toxins deposited in our body. .  Many people have hidden diseases which wait for appropriate time to manifest.  During scanning, this herb will expose those  hidden diseases/ailments by reactions.  If a diabetic patient has blocks in his/her heart, some times it can not be detected unless there is a pain in the heart.  There may be a chance for silent attack before detection.  When taken this herb, if there is a block or blocks in the heart, he/she will get immediate pain in the heart because this herb tries to remove this block or blocks..  This enable the patient to take immediate ECG  and appropriate treatment in the hospital to prevent heart attacks.  When continuously this herb is taken,  our heart will become strong and we can prevent any heart attacks in the future.  If a person who has stomach problems, he/she will get diaherra for a while. It means all the toxins are getting removed through this.
Source :- Ganotherapy

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